We are a collection of research facilities based in the Hammond Building, at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, supporting research to university researchers and commercial clients. Consisting of
The cellular imaging and analysis facilities:
Providing an academic driven service as a part of the school of biological sciences, bioscience platform. The cellular imaging and analysis facilities are lead by the facilities manager Dr. Rachel Hewitt with insight and direction from the department Deputy Head for Research, Professor Julian Parkhill and the over-arching direction of SBS strategic biosciences platform.
Our services include;
training and support for the use of facility equipment
full fee for service runs and facility based projects
consultancy on projects and data analysis
Facility Equipment time, training and support Central management of equipment ensures that specialised, high-end technology is available to all researchers on an equal basis, with training and support available for students and staff throughout their project.
Full Fee For Service Runs and Facility based Projects The facility offers a complete analytical service working for you to deliver a range of high quality imaging and flow cytometry data making the most of years of analytical experience. We can help you plan your experiments, decide on outputs, set up the instrumentation, prepare and run your samples, generate the data and assist with the data analysis. With the use of our tissue culture facilities we are able to undertake cellular experiments and analysis using flow cytometry and imaging techniques such as confocal microscopy on your behalf.
Project consultation and data analysis Providing guidance and direction in the design of experiments and development of projects, along with help and advice for data analysis. We can also help to develop planning and generate quotes for funding applications and perform data analyses as a service for flow cytometry, imaging cytometry and confocal microscopy data.
To discuss any of these services, contact Dr Rachel Hewitt reh63@cam.ac.uk
The research technologies available
Confocal microscopy
Flow and Imaging Cytometry cellular imaging and analysis
Exosome Imaging and Analysis
Leica Cryostat for sectioning frozen tissue
User Registration In order to use facility based equipment, University members will need to:
Register with the facility.
Read and agree to the relevant health and safety documents provided.
Have initial instrument user training provided by a facility staff member.
To register contact Dr Rachel Hewitt reh63@cam.ac.uk
We can then create a user account for you on the PPMS stratocore system used to book instruments online.
Working Hours and Rates Normal Research Facility Staff Hours are 10.00 to 17.00, Monday to Friday. Within normal working hours please use the booking calendars to request the support you require. Most instruments are bookable in 30 minute minimum slots with subsidised internal rates for University staff. Contact us for the current internal rates for equipment. External rates are available upon request, please contact us to book our services or discuss your requirements.
Biomineral Research and Imaging:
Provide fee for service trace element analysis and collaborations as an extension to the research undertaken by Dr Jonathan Powells Biomineral research and imaging group.
Services include;
full fee for service runs and trace element analysis facility based projects
consultancy on projects and data analysis
Full Fee For Service Runs and Facility based Projects Dr Jonathan Powells research group offers a complete analytical service working for you to deliver a range of high quality ICP data, making the most of years of analytical experience. We can help you plan your experiments, decide on outputs, prepare and run your samples, generate the data and analysis. We are also able to undertake particle sizing.
Project consultation and data analysis Providing guidance and direction in the design of experiments and development of projects, along with help and advice for data analysis. We can also help to develop planning and generate quotes for funding applications. To discuss any of these services, contact icp@vet.cam.ac.uk
The research technologies available
Trace element, mineral and isotope analysis
Particle sizing